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Whippet Dog Stories: A Heavenly Present

by Janice Cooper
(Asheville Arden NC)

Ever since I saw a Whippet dog I wanted one. But for me it was impossible. Disabled, no money, not in good health.
It just felt that it was one of those wish things.
One day for no reason I got a newspaper. I never get a newspaper, ever. Why did I do it? I do not know. I was looking at the dogs for sale.
It was there at the top of the page, under dogs for sale:
"Whippet for sale $175.00"
I was so excited, I thought I was going to die.
I hurried to the phone with my heart in my hand, praying, just praying and at the same time thinking:"there's no way, no way".
Someone said: "Hello?"
I could hardly get out: "Do you still have the whippet?"
The entire time I kept my eyes shut, fingers crossed, and I was praying "Please, God Please". Then after what seemed like an hour someone said: "Yes"
I think I screamed: "I want it! I'll be there in a sec."
Got the directions, jumped in my car and off I went.
When I got there, she was outside with the whippet.
I started shaking.
She was wonderful: white, with a face half brown and half white. I was in LOVE.
I didn't have the money in my account yet, but she said it would be OK, she would hold my check till the first of the month.
Was there no end to my blessings?
I named her Angel, because I felt she was a gift from God.
She has also 7 spots on her all white back.
I thank God all the time. Sometimes I don't think I could make it without her. Then I stop and remember my little dog Dax. He is almost 17 years old and has been through so much with me.
I know it will kill me when he passes, but Angel will make it a little easier.

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by: Marion

What a lovely story!! All the very best with your beautiful Angel.

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