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Medical textbook reference
by: Anonymous

I would appreciate knowing exactly what medical textbook suggests three ribs should be showing. It’s quite disturbing to see. When I search the web for the quote provided, Google does not provide any reference.

Over/under wieght whippets
by: Anonymous

The medical textbook definition for a whippet regarding fatness is: 'A whippet should have three ribs showing clearly. If more than three are showing then they may need to be fed more, and if there are less than three ribs showing, the whippet needs to be fed less.This applies for sirs and dams, when of an adult age.'

I myself have 2 whippets, the same size, age and general skinniness, and my blue one, Inka, is heavier, due to bigger bones. With whippets, weight is not a massive factor, unless they are seriously under/over weight, in which case they will need to be fed and possibly see a vet. The only real definitions are the actual look of the whippet, the size of the whippet and the shape of the whippet
I hope I helped,


Puppy Size
by: Anonymous

As puppies they grow really fast until they start slowing down at about 6 months.

By one year of age they stop growing and start to fill up a bit.

Puppy Size
by: Anonymous

My whippet pup is 13 weeks old her mum was only 16 inches tall and her dad who we didnt see was 19 inches.

Whilst measuring her for a new coat from neck to bum she is 44/45 cm long.

She seems to be growing at an alarming rate and has doubled her weight, shes about 4 and a half kilos.

How old are they when they stop growing? Does she seem to be at the right stage of her development?

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